ADB Debug
— Android — 1 min read
ADB Debug
This is a record for understanding some of the ADB command that could be useful for ADB debugging:
1adb connect (Device portal)2
3adb devices (check the current connection status)4
5adb shell :use linux command for operation, after adb shell, we will be entering adb shell and operate as linux command(In Android shell , we can use "exit" command to exit)6
7adb install [path]8
9adb uninstall [package name]:
Package interaction
1adb shell pm list package (list all the package installed in the device)2adb shell pm list packages -s (list all system package installed in the device)3adb shell pm list package -3 (list all third-party package installed in the device)4
5Explanation: use adb shell go to the inner linux system and call the pm function: which is the pm script inside the system/bin
Activity interaction
1To start the application, you will need to active the "start" activity to accomplish that.2(Here activity refers to a component in Android development)(
4adb shell am start -W -S [Package name]/[activity to start the application]5adb shell am force-stop (force stop application)6
7adb pull [Android path][Computer path] (Download Android file to PC)8adb exec-out screencap -p > sc.png (ScreenShot to save on PC)9adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/filename.mp4 (Screen recording, Ctrl+c can end the screen recording, default is 180s)10
11adp push[Computer path][Android path] (Upload PC file to Android)
Open Current Activity interface
1adb shell dumpsys activity|findstr “mFocuse”2
3adb shell monkey -p [package name] -v-v -v1 4
5 通过查看日志信息中,找到using开头的那一句,其中的activity名字就是启动界面6
7adb 使用 sdk 中的aapt工具来进行apk包的解析
1adb shell input text [content]2
3adb shell input tap [x,y]4
5adb shell input keyevent [keycode]6
7adb shell input swipe [startingX startingY endX endY operationTime(s)] (Long press is simulated by a short-distance&long-duration press)8adb shell input keyevent --longpress 26 (also long press event)9
10By wrting these operation into a text and write as a bat file could implement a very simple auto test script!
Settings for Quest 2 : 16:9
1adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 19202adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 10803adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.bitrate 100000004adb shell setprop debug.oculus.foveation.level 05adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.fps 60
Detailed instructions:
Download SideQuest and run it.
Connect the headset to the computer.
Allow permissions on the headset needed by the SideQuest
In SideQuest click “ADB Commands” / "Custom commands"
Run each of the following commands by typing them in one by one followed by clicking "run command" for each.
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 1280
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 720
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.bitrate 100000
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.foveation.level 0
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.fps 60
- Then when recording the video as usual from within the quest, the video will be created using those settings - i.e. not squared etc.
Now - I experienced the output from the above recommended commands to be pixelated. After testing it out for a bit these commands worked best for me:
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 1280
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 720
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.bitrate 5000000
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.foveation.level 0
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.fps 60
I did also try to use a higher resolution:
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 1920
- adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 1080
NOTE: When the Quest is restarted the default settings will be automatically set so this would have to be done again.
How-to: Enable landscape screen recording & improve quality and resolution using ADB commands